Recent technological advancements in the field of networked intelligence, among other pioneering technologies, are likely to result in a broad enough social impact to be called an emergence of new cyber civilizations. With this understanding and a collective determination to encourage development that is beneficial for all, Keio University is launching the “Cyber Civilization Research Center (CCRC)” within its Global Research Institute (KGRI: Keigo Komamura, Director), an official institute established by the university.
To make this effort significant globally, Keio University has invited Dr. David Farber, a distinguished leader in the field, who has held esteemed positions at Carnegie-Mellon University and the University of Pennsylvania during his career, to serve as a Co-Director at the center. He will join Dr. Jun Murai, Dean of the Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance, as CCRC Co-Directors, to lead a university-wide project to accomplish the center’s goals. Dr. Jiro Kokuryo, a Vice-President of Keio University with research background in this field, has been appointed as CCRC Chief Administrator.
Keio University Cyber Civilization Research Center Established on April 1, 2018.
この取り組みを世界的なものとするために、共同センター長として、カーネギーメロン大学やペンシルバニア大学で研究を主導してきたDavid Farber博士を招聘しました。David Farber博士はコンピュータ科学と公共政策を専門とし、2000年から2001年にかけて米国連邦通信委員会の技術責任者も務めました。同じく共同センター長をつとめる村井純 政策・メディア研究科委員長とともに、全学的な取り組みを進めます。なお、同分野に研究歴をもつ國領二郎常任理事が同センターの運営責任者を務めます。
慶應義塾大学サイバー文明研究センター 2018年4月1日