Mission Statement


Develop emerging research fields


Networked intelligence, unbound by physical limits and enhanced by key technological advancements, urges humanity to reconsider foundational concepts that have defined civilizations for centuries. It far transcends the status of merely a useful tool, and is instead a technology capable of affecting history, governance, labor, culture, and even the very nature of humanity. We believe this ongoing digitization process is large enough in scope that arguably we are entering a new era in which new forms of civilizations emerge and reshape the reality around them. In order to contend with these changes and support humanity in its next evolutionary step, it is imperative that we rethink existing governance, economic, societal, and technological planning.

Keio University has long been the bold leader of the successful integration between rich Asian tradition and modern technology. Keio’s mission is to pioneer the development of emerging technologies, while making sure to be responsible for navigating their beneficial adoption by society. The university is located in a developed democracy in Northeast Asia that is technologically robust, open, diverse, and free. Keio has also introduced the Internet, among other digital technologies, to Asia, and played several key roles in ensuring it became embedded in society. As such, Keio University has assumed the responsibility to usher this emerging civilization, affected by these changes, into a new phase of prosperity and sustainability.

To fulfill this mandate, the Keio University Cyber Civilization Research Center will house a cross-disciplinary network of stakeholders in Keio’s ecosystem. The network will work together to explore the risks and benefits posed by technological advancements, analyze their expected societal impact, and devise tools and methods to support effective future planning. We will also actively participate in the development and management of technologies that foster trust among diverse user communities and reflect our social awareness. To ensure the delivery of equal, inclusive, and meaningful contributions, the Center will engage local and global actors in collaborative discussions and exchanges to support the development of this pivotal and pioneering field of research.


