

11th International Cybersecurity Symposium “From Digital Social Security to Digital National Security: Creating trust to accomplish safety and security”


We invite you to join us for the 11th International Cybersecurity Symposium at Keio University.  We have been pleased to grow our understanding of international cybersecurity with you through the past symposiums, even virtually during the current pandemic.

Despite the continuing challenges of COVID-19 over the past year and a half, we continue our exploration of international cybersecurity issues through our online virtual symposium where we can continue to discuss challenges to our human civilization and generate new ideas to address them. At this moment there are critical challenges and threats dealing with climate change, human created conflicts, and digital abuse in our daily lives.

★ Online registration and programs:

This year our theme is: “From Digital Social Security to Digital National Security: Creating trust to accomplish safety and security.”  The symposium will discuss that no single nation nor single company can solve these global challenges alone.  To address the need for multi-stakeholder solutions in cyber, like-minded and trusted government-industry-academia leaders will come together to examine how to build digital trust from the social security level to national security level.

In our symposium, we will discuss actionable proposals and concrete solutions towards global digital trust services in the social and national security context.  Our discussion themes will include Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT), International Mutual Recognition of Trust (IMRT), the Multilateral Cybersecurity Action Committee (MCAC) proposal, Japan’s new Digital Agency, and industry best practices with technologies, including 5G, AI, Privacy, IoT.

Throughout the five days of our global virtual online symposium, we will have a series of keynote speeches, panel discussions, specialized speeches and panels to provide in-depth analysis and insights into the best practices in social security and national security.  We will also discuss how to achieve trust among major countries and regions including Japan, U.S., UK, EU, Australia, and Israel, through discussion of international joint research, policy and education items shared by the INCS-CoE partners, and more.

In addition to the familiar faces, we are using this virtual format to expand our global community to foster these important cybersecurity topics digitally.  Please join us for exciting discussions in our virtual atmosphere.  In order to accommodate our global online audience, here is the baseline schedule:

The detailed program with timetable:

Here are some highlights:

● Speeches: Jun Murai (Keio) & Satoru Tezuka (Keio), MITRE, Japanese government, Embassies from U.S., UK, Israel, EU, Australia – Global Trust Services and International Mutual Recognition; Deterrence in Cybersecurity

● Keynote Speeches & Panels (invited): VIPs from S., UK, Israel, EU, Australia, Japan, NICT, United Nations, Keidanren, etc.

● Best Practices: Featured corporate best practices Government, Company, Academia

*The program may change without notice

Supporters (tbc): U.S. Embassy, British Embassy, Embassy of Israel, Delegation of the European Union, Australian Embassy, Japanese government agencies, ACCJ, AFCEA, INCS-CoE universities and companies, etc.

Hosts: Keio University, The MITRE Corporation

Online registration and programs:
