Hosted by Keio Cyber Security Research Center
June 2 (Wednesday) – 4 (Friday), 2021
Virtual Online Workshop by Keio University, Japan
This is the 4th EU-Japan-U.S. International Trust Workshop hosted by Keio Cyber Security Research Center (currently under Cyber Civilization Research Center). We organized 2 times in Tokyo and once in New York City in the past. We are continuously making progress in International Digital Trust Services and International Mutual Recognition through the virtual online workshop.
In this workshop, we invited distinguished speakers and thought leaders including EU Commission/DG CONNECT, ETSI/ESI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute/Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures), Japan’s Cabinet Secretariat, JDTF (Japan Digital Trust Forum), U.S. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) among others.
Our discussion themes include international-regional-national policies, technical proof of concepts in the EU-Japan, DFFT, IMRT for potential implementations for bilateral to multilateral schemes.
For timetable and more details, please visit: https://symp.cysec-lab.keio.ac.jp/2021June/