

Workshop On Medical And Healthcare Data-Law And Society

Workshop On Medical And Healthcare Data-Law And Society was hosted successfully on September 24, 2019, at North Hall, Mita Campus, Keio University. The workshop was co-hosted by Department of Health Policy and Management, Keio University School of Medicine, Cyber Civilization Research Center, Keio University Global Research Institute, and PeOPLe (Person centered Open Platform for wellbeing), aiming to discuss the trends and forecasts regarding the development of medical and healthcare data from the perspectives of law and the societal impacts, domestically and internationally.


The workshop started with a welcome remark from Professor Jiro Kokuryo, Vice President of Keio University by restating the urgency and necessity of looking into the problems over the usage and management of the medical and health care data. We have to rethink about how to maximize the collective value of information while respecting the individual data ownership and rights, and whether regulation over the platforms can actually help to rebuild the existing distrust towards current information flow.


Professor Jiro Kokuryo, Vice President of Keio University

To begin with the discussion on the theme “ Global Trends in Personal Data”, Professor David Farber, Co-Director of Cyber Civilization Research Center, gave a keynote speech on the global trends of data usage, with specific focuses over US and Europe, and emphasized on the unique and sensitive nature of medical and healthcare data. Professor Farber also pointed out the importance of ensuring the technological requirement over the data access and privacy protection.


Professor David Farber, Co-Director of Cyber Civilization Research Center, Keio University

As to push forward a more diverse dialogue, Professor Hiroaki Miyata, Professor at the Department of Health Policy and Management, School of Medicine of Keio University who is also a member of Cyber Civilization Research Center, was invited to exchange his insights with Professor Farber with addressing the situation in Japan. Professor Kokuryo was the moderator of this dialogue, who raised various critical questions to both experts. This session in particular debated on the requirements and expectations towards the system in Japan, with the lesson learned from cases in other countries. Overall, both Professor Faber and Professor Miyata are optimistic towards the development of a unique management architecture in Japan, which can be a very good role model to lead the global trend.


(L-R) Professor Hiroaki Miyata, Professor David Farber, Professor Jiro Kokuryo

The second session “Domestic Trend of Medical and Healthcare Data Protection in Japan” was a series of keynote speeches presented by leading academics from medical, law, governmental, data management areas. Professor Takehiro Ohya, Professor at Faculty of Law, Keio University, talked about “The Diversity and Pattern of Personal Data: Of/By/For”, which defined the specific nature of personal data. He also highlighted the conventional laws related to personal data protection and intellectual property laws and led the discussion on whether such laws can protect the diversity of personal data and demonstrate an appropriate management approach.

第二部では、「国内の医療・ヘルスケアデータ保護」についてのセッションが行なわれました。まずは、登壇者それぞれから、最先端のアカデミックの知見を医療・法・政策など分野横断的に報告されました。まずは、法学部大屋雄裕教授からは、「個人情報の多様性と規律:of/by/for」 について報告されました。個人情報(個人に関する情報)と扱われているもののなかには、その本来的な性質に応じて(1)個人の客観的な性質に関するもの(of) 、(2)個人の主体的な 行為の帰結であるもの(by)、(3)他者による当事者への介入 ・干渉によるもの (for)と分極できるような差異があると考えられること、医療・著作権など従来の法制を個人に関する情報の多様性のなかに位置付けたうえでヘルスケアデータの性質とそのあるべき扱い方について検討されました。

Professor Takehiro Ohya, Professor at Faculty of Law, Keio University

Mr. Kiyoshi Sawaki, Counsellor of Personal Information Protection Commission, Japan, presented “The So-Called 3-Year Review Of Act On The Protection Of Personal Information” and detailly explained the major focuses of the review and the next steps to be taken by the Personal Information Protection Commission.


個人情報保護委員会では、 法律に基づく3年ごとの見直しを行われ、4月には中間整理を示し、 これに対するパブリックコメントを募り、 寄せられた意見や更なる有識者、 関係者からの意見等も踏まえつつ、 来年早期の改正法案国会提出を目指して検討を進められていること、また 中間整理等を題材に主要な課題・論点をご紹介いただきました。

Mr. Kiyoshi Sawaki, Counsellor of Personal Information Protection Commission, Japan

Dr. Takanori Fujita, Project Assistant Professor of School of Medicine, Keio University and Project Lead of Healthcare Data Policy of C4IRJ, gave an introduction to “The Healthcare Data Policy in The 4th Industrial Revolution”, particularly explained the setup and strategy of the C4IRJ. Professor Fujita also put attention on the Data Free Flow With Trust (DFFT) by respecting human rights, consideration for data holders and specific public common interests, and the significance of anonymization of data and public consensus.

藤田卓仙特任講師からは、第四次産業革命時代のヘルスケア・データ政策についてご報告されました。特に世界経済フォーラム第四次産業革命日本センターにおいて検討して いるヘルスケアデータのガバナンスモデルを中心に、 日本においてどのような法的手当が求められるかについての報告を行われ、個人の人権を尊重すること、匿名化、公共性、またデータ・フリー・フロー・ウィズトラストなどに焦点が置かれました。

Dr. Takanori Fujita, Project Assistant Professor of School of Medicine, Keio University and Project Lead of Healthcare Data Policy of C4IRJ

Professor Tatsuhiko Yamamoto, Professor of Law School and Deputy Director of Global Research Institute (KGRI), Keio University, presented “The Usage and Protection of Healthcare Data from the Perspective of Constitution Law”, in which he reviewed the history of the constitution laws regarding personal data and suggested countermeasures for appropriate usage and protection of medical and healthcare data.

慶應義塾大学大学院法務研究科教授 兼 慶應義塾大学グローバルリサーチインスティテュート副所長 山本龍彦教授は、憲法的視点から、ヘルスケア・ データの利活用と保護について、個人情報保護法制の意義を憲法原理にまでさかのぼって考察し、 そこからヘルスケア・ データのあるべき保護と利活用のあり方を検討されました。

Professor Tatsuhiko Yamamoto, Professor of Law School and Deputy Director of Global Research Institute (KGRI), Keio University

The last keynote was “Datanaissance – Data Flow and Co-Creation With Trust”, by Professor Hiroaki Miyata. He evaluated the 3 major data management strategies by the US, European and China, and discussed the opportunities and challenges of developing a definitive architecture for Japan that integrate the pros and cons of the above strategies.


Professor Hiroaki Miyata, Professor at the Department of Health Policy and Management, School of Medicine of Keio University

The above speakers then joined the panel discussion moderated by Professor Ohya to discuss further on the specific requirements and considerations during the development of such a framework that promotes data free flow with trust. Panelists looked into various real cases and public concerns and exchanged professional comments to tackle the potential risks.


(L-R) Professor Miyata, Dr. Fujita, Professor Yamamoto, Mr. Sawaki, Professor Ohya

During the concluding remark, Professor Miyata acknowledged all the speakers and guests for joining the workshop that brought together experts from different disciplines. It is the first, but an important step to initiate this kind of discussion and gradually actualize the framework for the benefit of all.


Click here to view the event details

Click the below links to view the recordings:

– Jiro Kokuryo, David Farber & Hiroaki Miyata

Part 2 医療・ヘルスケア分野のデータ保護制度に関する最新動向 (Japnese Only)
1/ 「個人情報の多様性と規律:of/by/for」大屋 雄裕 氏
2/ 「個人情報保護法のいわゆる3年ごと見直しについて)」 佐脇紀代志 氏
3/ 「第四次産業革命時代のヘルスケア・データ政策」藤田卓仙 氏
4/ 「憲法的視点からみるヘルスケア・ データの利活用と保護」山本龍彦 氏
5/ 「データルネッサンス-信頼を軸にしたデータ流通と共創-」宮田裕章 氏
6/ パネルディスカッションおよび質疑応答

Photo credit: Susumu Ishito